Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bankim Weds Minakshi

Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee Sama PrabhaNirvighnam kuru mey DevaSarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa

Mrs. & Mr. Bilash Shikari Request the honor of your presence and blessing on the very auspicious occasion of theWedding Ceremonyof their beloved son
(adored daughter of Mrs. & Mr. Mrinal Roy)
on Wednesday, the 12th of December, 2007
at 10:30 in the Evening.

Venue:Hema Majumdar Hall
Sector 3, Ordinance Factory,Chandrapur.
Maharashtra- 442501
Phone : +91 9970876121
With Best Compliments fromShikari & Roy Family.

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Together we will

Together we will

Its all about the chemistry

Its all about the chemistry

RSPV- Let me know your availability